I am one of those who does not like driving. I don't mind being the passanger. I can take picture while riding. Ok, I can take pictures while driving but it isn't very safe. We traveled west to the Pacific Ocean and within 200 miles of the Atlantic Ocean, then we traveled South to the Mexican boarder and then North to Colorado.

That trip took us through Texas and New Mexico. These are the pictures take from the front passanger seat of my Ford F-150. My bother, Roje, did the driving while I took picture.

I even took a picture of the road through the rear view mirror to show where we had been. It was a lot of fun. We listened to 70's music on my Creative Labs MP3 player.

WE drove through some cloudy roads, rainy roads, sunny roads and again through rainy days.

We saw many trailer trucks, small cars, big cars and in Texas we saw many pick-ups.

We also hit some construction sites with their bright orange signs. The slow traffic allowed for some better picture taking.

Along the way we drove through some small towns with the Co-op building being the biggest and tallest structure in the whole town. Most of the small town looked as desolate as this one.
On some of the construction sites we came to a complete stop. We were able to get out of the truck and eat lunch. I even walked away and took pictures of the insects, plants and animals in the area.
Some of the weather was pretty frightening. Like when we were almost out of Colorado and we out ran this front. It was carrying some very strong winds, hail and lots of rain.
It may have even been carrying some tornados too. We were lucky that it was traveling a few mile slower than we were.
I felt sorry for the truckers and others traveling in the opposite direction. The y drove right into the storm.

In the distance you can see the sunshine. We made it there just as we drove into Texas. We out ran most of the rain and hail, but the wind caught up with us just south of Amarillo. The dust was so thick that visability decrease to about 15 feet. That dust storm was the scarries part of the trip. What a welcome home we got from Texas!!!