On a clear cool star filled night, I walk away from home. A moon lit road led me to your door. Without a knock I enter your home. There is a wild river flowing in that home. Swept farther away by icy black waters, foaming, turning, faster, faster, faster… you stand there and laugh at my confusion.

Where did you go to? I stand alone, cold, wet, homeless. On a dark moonless night, I look for my own home. Tears slowly form in my eyes, no sobs, no whimpers. A strange landscape before me. Soft warm breeze from nowhere, the sweet smell of mint, now a raindrop falls. More drops, it becomes a torrent, a silent torrent of rain.

A small soft body of a woman forms. She approaches; dressed in white satin, with long brown hair, clear brown eyes, soothing silky fingers. Reaching for may hand, so gentle, so much care and compassion. Her honesty flows through her eyes. Her heart beats as love flows through her. With no words she invites me to go with her, paradise is her home.

I pull back my hand… I forget about my home. Slowly I turn and walk away. I will search for you and your home until death sends me somewhere else. I know no better. Sometimes bad habits are stronger that love.