Years ago I received Email from a young lady searching for Information on the Almaguer name. She is an Almaguer. Her first name is Estrella. Through our conversations over the Internet I learned that her father was also in law enforcement in Mexico. Also, he is from General Cepeda, which is where my father was born. We are probably related.
Through the many Emails exchanged over the years I have gotten to know her and she has gotten to know me. I have sent her pictures of my wife, sons, parents, sisters, brothers and grand daughters. She has also sent pictures of herself, parents, sister and brother. Through the Internet we have gotten to be friends and our families have met. Any time I get an Email from Estrella I read it to Elfida and to Dora. I have told my mom about Estrella's family and the possibility that our families are related. Estrella and her family live near Monterrey, Mexico.

Monterrey is famous for its industry and for the mountain which the city has grown around. Estrella sent this photo of a sculpture which represents the "Serro de la Silla". The last time I was in Monterrey was in 1976 or 1975.

This photo shows Estrella in front of a monument dedicated to the immigrants which have lost their lives trying to find the American dream. It is called the "2501 Migrantes". She wrote that there are 2501 statues on the ground. She sent me photos of her excursion through Monterrey. A virtual tour of her city. Dora was visiting the day I got the Email, so Elfida, Dora and I sat in the living room and read the Email and looked at the pictures. It was a great tour.

This is Estrella with her parents. Her father has the same first name and middle name as my dad. Her father is pretty close to my own age.

This is Estrella and her sister and brother. Estrella's sister is married and expecting her first child.
Through the years I have exchanged Emails with many Almaguers, some from Spain, some from Mexico, some from New Mexico, California, Del Rio, Texas, and many other places. None has been as long as my friendship with Estrella. I think my wife is as excited as I am any time we get an Email from her. Dora will ask if I have gotten any Emails from Estrella whenever she comes to visit. The Internet has brought many Almaguers together.