Perfect weather moved into Waco.
Maiko started playing softball and asked us to go to his game.
Ok, softball is a stupid game. Too many rules and they have real goofy umpires. I think they all rode a little yellow bus to the games. I like soccer, very few rules, most having to do with the size of the field, the uniform or the length of the game. Anyway, the smurf standing on the left side of the photo tried to kick me out of the ball park for saying loudly that he was being too buddy, buddy with the other team. We had a great time watching him play.

On the way home we saw this
fiery sunset over Hewitt, Texas.
Deja vu. Three and a half years ago we were coming home from eating dinner with Carlos. It was his last night in Waco. He was heading for San Diego to start his life as a Marine. That evening we saw a sky just as red, just as
fiery. I took a picture of it too. I will have to find it and compare them to see which one was the reddest.

The next day we went to see our newest grand daughter, Carolina. Aaron was getting ready to go over seas. Sheila and Aaron invited us over for dinner and to meet Carolina. She is beautiful.

Jonathan wanted me to see him ride his bike. He is pretty good at it. He drove around the backyard having fun letting me watch him have fun and taking pictures.

Christian took out his scooter and showed me his skills. He could get some air on it. I spent about and hour out there with them.
Elfida was inside with Carolina, she just loved holding her.

Jonathan cried when we got ready to go home. I hope they can come over on a weekend when we have Isabelle and Lily so we can have all the
grand kids at our house.

Oh, there she is with
Carolina. We had a wonderful dinner and I ate a
sundae. It was delicious. I paid for it the next day. I don't do milk products. Well, Carlos is coming home but now we have Aaron overseas. I can't wait until we have all our sons back home. Maybe have a family dinner with all our sons and
grand kids. Oh yeah, a house full of
grand kids running around, chasing the dogs, climbing the trees, and playing on that dirt pile I have in our backyard.