This isn't very old, just painted with cheap paint which faded quickly.
Life is as good as you make it and God gives you what you need to be happy. Be content with what you have and don't worry about what others aquire. When competing you only have to worry about how well prepared and how hard you push yourself, the other persons don't matter. Your effort is what makes you a winner. Don't blame others for your shortcomings. Give yourself credit for all your victories.
There were a few clouds floating high, so high above me. They slowly disappeared leaving the moon by itself.
Hey that's me!!! Yeah, no one to play with, so I used myself as a ghostly subject.
Yes, I still love my wife and I wrote it for her with light.
Elfie slept through my experiments with light.
The neighborhood was quiet. Somewhere past our fence, beyond the dark pasture, a lonely cow called out for the rest of the herd. A lone cat hunted crickets quietly under the street light. Sister stood by the gate watching me taking pictures. The yellow light from the street corner washed over everything out on the street. No breeze, the flag was motionless on the flag pole. The perfect night, wish my sons had been with me.
I was outside taking pictures when Elfida got home from work. Maiko and the girls came over a few minutes later. Isabelle showing me her disco pose.
Maiko had come over to watch the Cowboy vs Eagles game. I hooked up the projector to the cable and he was happy. He was even happier when the Cowboys actually won!!
Oh yeah, she knows the cheers and the dance steps that Isabelle practices. Lily will be playing then all of a sudden break into a dance. She is funny.
Isabelle was also practicing her cartwheels. Even grandpa did a couple of cartwheels.
I was going to give Maiko a piggyback ride, going to... nah.
She was playing pic-a-boo with grandpa. She is silly.
Up in the air. It's fun when daddy is strong enough to lift her up in the air.
And Strong enough to through her up in the air and catch her. Boy she just loves this.
Elfida said she was going to buy braces for Izma. I don't know why he makes those eyes when I take pictures of her.
I drove down the old Lorena road and went under the new bridge. I took some more pictures of the water that still remains there.
The minnows still survive in the small puddles of water.
Don't know their name, but they are beautiful.
I found a crawdad grave yard.
The rain came out of nowhere. It pored for about 30 minutes. It was still raining when I headed home. I drove about a mile and the ground was bone dry.
An exploding rain drop.
I spent the whole 30 minutes under this bridge. I took over 100 pictures.
Love the colors after a rain.
Lots of traffic here. Everyone was friendly and would honk and wave.
Since I had the tripod out I went into the back yard about 100 feet and took this photo of the house. Nice.
We celebrated Maiko and Isabelle's birthdays today. We bought the meat and I started the cookout. I cooked the chicken breast and all the knuckles on my right hand. Maiko then showed up and finished cooking the rest of the meat. I hate cooking on a grill. Maiko and Amy are trying their hand at making cakes. They made this one for Isabelle. It is Chowder. A cartoon character that Isabelle loves.
It is also a cartoon character that is drawn by her Uncle Alex Almaguer. If you go to the link on the right side of the page "Alex Almaguer" you can see some of his other work. Maiko called Alex and told him how much Isabelle likes the cartoon. Alex sent her some of the cartoon toy figures that are made for the artist that work on the cartoon.
This was taken just as grandma pushed Isabelle's face into the horn or hair of chowder causing her to bite it off. You can see Lily's hand reaching out to get some of the cake.
I love black and white photos, they capture more emotion that color photos.
Isabelle opening the toys Alex sent her. She love them. And look at the excitment on the other kids' faces as they react to the cartoon figures.
Okay, got to put some more lotion on my burnt knuckles. Next time I will leave the cooking to those who know how to cook.