I loaded up these pictures but couldn't remember in what sequence this blog loads up picture. They came out all out of sequence. This was a great December so far, and I took many photographs that I was happy how they came out. Dora and a Christmas Tree. Black and white photos convey more emotion that the color photos. The warmth of the white lights bring across those old feelings of being a child on Christmas, feeling that
anticipation of Christmas morning.

Grandma and grandchild. Grandma's joy of giving will always be more rewarding than the joy of receiving. Christmas is a holiday that helps us a grandparents brighten up the lives of our grandchildren.

In the corner of our house sits this doll in a basket on top of a wig box, in front of an old walking cane. All bathed in an cool afternoon sun light.

Grandma reading "The night before Christmas" to a grandchild who for the first time in her life understand Santa Claus and
chimneys. We bought this book for Carlos when he was little, only he was too old to believe in Santa by the time we bought the book.

Caroline finds an Christmas orb on the Christmas tree.

So many places to explore, so many things to touch.


The best things about Christmas are the Christmas hugs.

The happiness of a grandchild in the arms of grandma.

The days before Christmas became fewer and fewer. Some toys were under the Christmas tree already, not as gifts but for the grandchildren to play with. They played Christmas music and that music brought huge smiles to all of us.

It is so easy to be silly when you are young and dont' worry about what others think.

But with all the lights, TV commercials, toys, Christmas trees, etc., this month is still for family first. The best memories are not from the expensive present or the big dinners, but from the quiet moments with family.