I am amazed at the spirit in a child. Simple things can take on such great meaning and bring so much joy. Four dollars worth of toys turn into a priceless afternoon with Lily and Isabelle.

Elfida and I went to the dollar store. We were looking for some plant bulbs they had. As
Elfida looked at the different packages of bulbs, I walked to the toy isle. I picked a jump rope for Isabelle and some pom-poms for Lily. I saw some headbands with red hair attached to them. They had Hannah Montana's picture on the package. I chose one for Lily and one for Isabelle, slight difference in color so they could tell them apart.

Isabelle put hers on and played on the floor with some of the board games we have for them. She is quieter that Lily. She loves anything that has Hannah Montana on it.

Lily spent the afternoon doing cheers for grandma. She just loved the pom-poms and the hair. She knew the
routines from watching Isabelle at cheerleader practice in Robinson. It is a wonder to see a child play and find so much happiness in such simple things.

What I would trade to be able to see what goes on inside that mind, to be able to
recreate the sense of adventure, the
curiosity of a
child's mind. To see the world with those eyes of youth again.

Balloons, we always keep a bag full of balloons. Another toy that never grows old. The
fascination of a child with a balloon, I just can't remember what it is. I am too old, so I learned how to make balloon animals and balloon flowers.

I had to work Sunday, so I wasn't able to say up all afternoon with them, but I sure enjoyed every minute with them. I went to bed and they stayed with grandma. She played board games with them. When
Maiko and Carlos were small we always had Monopoly. We had some great times playing it.
Maiko was very good at it and usually won. Carlos had a disadvantage because he was a lot younger, but it helped him learn to make decisions. We have a bunch of board games for the girls to play but some times you just have to let them use their imagination and play with the blocks of wood left over from that shelf project or on that dirt pile outside. I love watching them just being kids.