I got on Facebook and kind of neglected this blog. I've picked some photos to post here but then something always came up and I never got around to doing it. My change of schedule really has hurt my active life. Today I woke up late and then I heard the rain. I melted back into the covers and zoned out watching TV. It took great effort to get out of that bed. Cold weather is perfect for sleeping. My writing ability has also decreased lately, okay, maybe in the last two years. I just haven't been able to sit and concentrate long enough to expand on any one idea. My picture taking is still doing okay, but I really wish I could write a few poems, maybe a short story.

We saw the movie "The day the earth stood still" and I remembered this beautiful place we went hiking. It was still green in some areas but the trees were already changing colors. Now I realize that we are doing so much damage to this world, yet technology is so much a part of our lives that we wouldn't be able to change enough to save the world. At least not fast enough to do it in my life time. Even now I am at home running the central heater, watching TV, typing on my laptop and tomorrow I will drive to work in my truck.

Could I give up the comforts and luxuries I enjoy now? Could I walk to work? Yes, I could, but will I? I would be a liar if I said I would. Not because I don't want to save the world, but because through our acclimation we have become weak and dependent on technology to survive. Such beauty, clear water, bright sunlight, trees, fish and we wouldn't survive very long out there with out a gun, matches, clothing, etc.

Wouldn't this make great shelter? It would protect us from the rain, snow, wind, but we would have competition from the animals. Not so much the big one, but the little ones, snakes, spiders, scorpions, rabid skunks. Yeah, not the big ones.

Eventually nature will kill us or we will kill nature and that means we will kill ourselves. We probably are already doing it, killing ourselves slowly, poisoning our own water, food, and air.

Ah, but we are not content with doing it slowly. No, we are killing each other for money, glory, power, and as that is not enough we are also killing each other in the name of god. Not just one god, but every god we can think of. And if a person is too much like us, then we use skin color to justify hating them and making it okay to kill them.
In the end, when we are almost through killing everyone there will be two survivors. Those of us who aspire to be tolerant will probably be killed first. Yeah the last two survivors will be same sex, same skin color, from the same group, same religion, probably brothers or sisters and they will both be willing to kill to be the lone human alive. To be the winner. And in the end they will die too.
And this world will be a better place... maybe... maybe not. Without humans this planet will not be Earth.
Tonight I hear the rain outside my window... cool, wet, washing away the dirt from the trees, grass, bushes, giving them new life... and us too. I close my eyes, say my nightly prayer. My faith in the goodness of my God, allows me to sleep knowing that tomorrow the sun will rise above the hazy horizon behind the gray clouds, another beautiful day.
Good night Europa.... Earth's cry, heaven's smile.