Life is as good as you make it and God gives you what you need to be happy. Be content with what you have and don't worry about what others aquire. When competing you only have to worry about how well prepared and how hard you push yourself, the other persons don't matter. Your effort is what makes you a winner. Don't blame others for your shortcomings. Give yourself credit for all your victories.
Two brothers were playing catch with a football as I walked out of the house. I waited for the ball to be thrown and followed it with the camera. Usually it takes five of six tries before I can catch an object in midair. This time it was one shot.
Great grandma’s house has always been a very warm cozy place to visit. The porch swing is the gathering point during the hot summers and the cool winters. It is a safe and fear-free zone. A child’s paradise. You eat, play and just lay around while you are at great-grandma’s house. Everything is always peaceful, quite, like every grandma’s house should be. I had finished cleaning up some of the trash out of the truck and was walking back to the house when I saw Lily enjoying the swing, thinking happy thoughts that only a two year old can form. I had to take the picture. I have pictures of both Maiko and Carlos sitting on the same swing also lost in their thoughts. Yes, a child’s paradise created by grand parents Lupe and Juana Almaguer.
I love my camera. So many moments, each a memory captured to be viewed over and over, then shared with others.