On January 28, 2008, we went to the University Trojans vs. Midway Panthers soccer game. The rivalry goes back even before
Maiko played for the Panthers. Back then Midway always had easy victories over University's under coached and undisciplined players. Midway always had the advantage of getting its core group from the H.O.T. select teams.

Neither team looked as strong a they have in the past. Midway didn't have the speed that has helped them score on University in the past. University forward and Midfielders were matching speed with the Midway defenders with no real problems.

University still lacks player discipline. They still try to play too many balls in the air with little control where they kick the ball to. Midway did try to settle the ball down but also lacked discipline and followed University to a kickball game for most of game. University threatened Midway's goal a couple of times before #23 took a shot from the right wing to the far post. Leaving the Midway goalie flat on his face.

Midway had one real shot a the University goal. The ball was shot hard enough to bounce out of the University goal keeper before a defender kicked it out of play. University's goalkeeper never got to show his abilities since Midway never
really challenged him.

University dominated the game and kept the Midway goalie busy throughout the game. Credit goes to the Midway keeper for holding University to two goals.

In the second half, University got its second goal with a tenacious attack by #11 and #23 who beat out five defenders and the goalie to head the ball into the back of the net.

It was a sweet victory for University High School. With more player discipline and a bigger effort to control the ball in the air, they will be en route to the play-offs again this year. There were still too many blind passes and missed volleys by the Trojans which caused them to lose the ball during their runs at the Midway goal.
Refereeing is still weak in Waco. The referee called the game from too far away staying in the middle of the field and missing some major elbowing, pulling and pushing done by Midway players. The linesmen did little during the game, never raising the flag when they saw the obvious fouls.

The University fans were very well behaved. One rowdy fan began chanting against Midway, but with no one else following his lead, he quieted down. The weather was perfect for a soccer game. It was a very enjoyable game and I am looking forward to seeing them play again.
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