They use to be mountains that were mined for many years. When GW Bush says that oil drilling in Alaska or in the gulf won't destroy the environment, just remember those hills. Anytime you exploit an area you end up with destruction.
Here is a better example of what happens when greed exceeds concern for our planet. That is huge, it is the rubble that was dug from the mountain then dumped over and use to create a dead mountain. Nothing will grow for a few hundred years. Just remember that when a politician calls himself or herself conservative, they are all for conserving their dollars not the environment.
This is what a small mountain look like before mining begins.

This area gets so much snow that trees don't grow. There are plenty of animals up here though. We were so high up that we were level with the clouds. It wasn't raining, we just ran into the drops before they fell.
This is awesome. You can the the mountains, the clouds and way back, you can see where the sun is shining.
When we got to the top of the mountain, it was snowing!! July 1st. and it is snowing!! Boy, was it cold. Elfida was out there for a few minutes then went inside the souvenir shop where it was warm. She even bought a pair of gloves.
Here they are mugging an old miner. They sold all kinds of souvenirs, most made in China.

He was so excited, I thought he was going start singing "Rocky Mountain High".
The clouds moved higher that us and the snow and rain stopped.
That is the train that took us up here. Sam was still somewhere taking pictures.
I like this shot. What a bunch of tourist.
What thoughts come to mind when you are so high up, so close to heaven?
Deer enjoying the warm weather, the green grass and the clean air. Oh yeah, that is snow.
This little guy didn't seem too happy to see all us tourist invading his home.
That is the old steam engine that use to take the tourist up the mountain many decades ago. Yes, that is me. Sam took the picture.
We stopped and ate at TGI Friday's, spent about two hours talking and made it home at about 11:30 PM. Tired, very tired, but very happy to have been so high.
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