Saturday, October 25, 2008
Comparison Photo

Friday's little moments

Monday, October 20, 2008
Another day...

Looking back from where I had come, I saw my in-progress work. Those frames have been leaning against the wall for about a month. They will go up as soon as I print a few other pictures that I have already chosen. I just need to find the right frames. I added one more to the line later on in the afternoon.
We use to have problems hearing the door bell upstairs or in the kitchen. The housing kept the chimes from being heard. Elfida had bought me the Devil mask many years ago in Mexico and it had been sitting next to my computer for a few months. I needed a place to put it but it didn't go with any of the furnishing in any of the rooms. It makes a great housing for the door bell! I love the colors on it and the details. I had more masks but Maiko now has them. We now buy handcarved masks for him.
I finally made it to the bottom of the stairs. Both Chihuahuas were already yelping for me to hurry up and open the back door. I had one more photo to take. Just love the shadow cast by this plant.

We finally made it out of the house at about 10:45 am. Elfida watered her plants just before heading out to "Los Altos de Jalisco" for some Mexican breakfast.
We didn't make it back home till after the Cowboys' game started. Elfida watched it while I cleaned the area around my computer. Three trash bags of junk made it to the garbage can. After the game we watched "Across the Universe". It started slow but the sound track was all Beatles' music sung by the actors. The last hour of the movie was intense! It will be on my list of "see again" movies.
I walked to the back door to let the dogs out and saw the sun moving towards the horizon. I asked Elfida if she wanted to go with me to watch the sunset from somewhere south of town. She joined me a I drove towards McGregor. I was surprised by the large amount of traffic on the small roads and onn Hwy 84.
McGregor made a beautiful foreground for shots of the glow from the setting sun. We drove around and made plans to come back at an earlier time and walk the old downtown area.
Elfida suggested this shot. She liked the flags in the distance. By now the sky was just an orange glow. Windows down and radio low, small towns are quiet at dusk.
The sunsets are beautiful but the view away from those sunsets is also beautiful. The orange light gives everything a fiery glow. Almost like looking through red glasses.
We started the drive home in darkness. The sun was gone and a slight chill settled in. I rolled up the window, the wind coming in was now quite cold. Elfida commented on how dark it got out in the country. She prefers living close to more people... in an area with street lights. We skipped dinner, she read and I surfed the net. The Chihuahuas shared a sofa with us, home is so good.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Friday Night Lights!

And she loved all the toy jewlery she got as presents! She looks like a Leona Hensley. Check out the Wilma Flintstone pearls.
The cake tasted great and it went well as make up too. Only Lily could eat cake and end up with frosting all over her face.

Friday night lights!! Elfida wanted to go to the University High vs Waco High. University High had been having some great games, but they kind of fell apart against Waco. I had a great time listening to the football experts on the stand. All University needed was one of these experts to call the plays and they would have won by 30 or 40 points. These guys knew every play that would have worked. Okay, they knew it after the play on the field had been run. Kind of "armchair quarterbacking". Anyways, it was fun listening to their comments.
Shooting from the middle of the stands wasn't too great, but I wanted to sit with Elfida through out the game. Usually I am walking up and down while she sits, this Friday I sat with her. Maiko and the girls came by later on and finished watching the game.
There was plenty of action on the field. The fans got thier money's worth Friday night at Waco ISD stadium.
The Trojans came back to show their appreciation to their fans.
Dora was there working the stands with the rest of the University administration. We got into the game courtesy of Dora DeAubrey, who's name was called out during the game. Thanks, sister!
Lily and Isabelle. They loved listening to the band play and seeing the half time show.
When we got home, I showed Elfida the new light we had put in the back yard. She really liked it, but she noticed that the bench needed the boards replaced. That was another job she put on the "honey do" list. I worked on the bench on Sunday and it is now looking brand new. I will include a picture of it next time.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
With Lily while sister was at church

Well sister and Izma were feeling left out. Sister came up to the fence and I saw a good photo op. I bought some dirt a while back and now the dogs use it as a vantage point. They like standing on it to look over the fence and out to the street. They play king of the hill too. Last week Sister ate my "chanclas", one pair of gloves, two humming bird feeders, and one flower pot. Elfida threatens to get rid of her at least five times a week.
We were ready to go in when Maiko dropped the little wheel we had been playing with. Izma got it and took off running. She thought it was fun having Maiko chase her around the backyard. That was funny!
It is now nice and cool in the evenings, so one can actually sit outside and enjoy it. Now if all the mosquitoes would die... Maybe we will have an actual winter this year and we won't have so many bugs next summer.