And she loved all the toy jewlery she got as presents! She looks like a Leona Hensley. Check out the Wilma Flintstone pearls.
The cake tasted great and it went well as make up too. Only Lily could eat cake and end up with frosting all over her face.

Friday night lights!! Elfida wanted to go to the University High vs Waco High. University High had been having some great games, but they kind of fell apart against Waco. I had a great time listening to the football experts on the stand. All University needed was one of these experts to call the plays and they would have won by 30 or 40 points. These guys knew every play that would have worked. Okay, they knew it after the play on the field had been run. Kind of "armchair quarterbacking". Anyways, it was fun listening to their comments.
Shooting from the middle of the stands wasn't too great, but I wanted to sit with Elfida through out the game. Usually I am walking up and down while she sits, this Friday I sat with her. Maiko and the girls came by later on and finished watching the game.
There was plenty of action on the field. The fans got thier money's worth Friday night at Waco ISD stadium.
The Trojans came back to show their appreciation to their fans.
Dora was there working the stands with the rest of the University administration. We got into the game courtesy of Dora DeAubrey, who's name was called out during the game. Thanks, sister!
Lily and Isabelle. They loved listening to the band play and seeing the half time show.
When we got home, I showed Elfida the new light we had put in the back yard. She really liked it, but she noticed that the bench needed the boards replaced. That was another job she put on the "honey do" list. I worked on the bench on Sunday and it is now looking brand new. I will include a picture of it next time.
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