Elfida bought some pots with plants that were flowering. I don't know the name of the plants. She planted them in the ground on our front yard and they kept flowering and flowering. Every morning she would cut some flowers and take them to work. She would also put some on a vase to decorate the dinning room table.

The flowers
attract different insects. All looking for the sweetness of the nectar in the flower. This wasp was so green it looked like it was made out of glass.
Fluorescent spots, so bright they looked light lights. This butterfly visited the flowers for as long as I sat there and took pictures. Not shy at all.

Even a yellow jacket came to feed and was in a good mood. She let me get some close ups without trying to attack me. Twenty years ago, when I was still surveying, I got stung by this yellow jackets too many times. The most painful one was on by bottom lip, but the one on my eyelid was pretty close to that same pain.

The day was overcast. I switch to taking the photos using the flash. It really brought out the colors.

Now this guy and his kind have given me some pretty nasty blister too. He was the only one of his kind at the flowers. He stayed to himself and the other insects stayed away too.

Now this fellow was also by himself. Two years ago I spent the Spring and Summer fighting his relatives. They had built a nest between the wall under the balcony. Some days there would be hundreds of them. I was told that the only way to get rid of them was to remove the honey and the queen bee. What worked was
putting screen wire all under the balcony so they couldn't get back into the wall. So far they have stayed away.

Some days I walk by and the butterflies lift off the flower in a huge cloud. They float around until I have walked far enough away. They return slowly back on to the flowers.

It seems that the more flowers
Elfida cuts from the plants, the more they bloom. This late in the year and they keep growing. We had that one night when the temperature dropped into the 30 and I thought the cold would kill them. They are still here, still blooming, some yellow, some white and some with a tint of purple.
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