It's been a couple of months since we went on this trip. Time went by so fast. The summer got hotter, the days longer, and my memory shorter. I love what the camera does, it keeps an exact image of one instance of this life.

So many thing have changed in so little time, here. Things we have seen changes in. Yet the rocks in these photos will remain the same. Ironically the photos will cease to exist long before the rocks are gone.

A sign on a quiet road in the middle on the night, a memory of another road, long ago paved over. It's a cool, cool night warmed by the yellow mercury glow of a nameless street light. Small town life.

The view is expensive, tranquil, breath taking, a view across eons of time. A large scar left on the surface of this earth by a persistent muddy river who knows not its bounds.

A nice paved walkway in the wild, another scar on the land, this one for our enjoyment.

One more photograph. A memory of a trips end. The start on another journey to another place, same year, same summer...
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