Christmas was just a few days aways. "The night before Christmas" book was brought out once more. This was Carlos' book. He probably doesn't remember it. It was read to Isabelle when she was little. Now it was Lilly's time to learn the story. Her face filled with awe, she was full of wonder and so impressed with Santa bringing presents. She wanted to know how come there were presents under the Christmas tree already. "Those are for the grown ups. Santa brings the presents for the little children."

This is probably one of the most spoiled dogs living. She thinks she owns the house. Any dog, no matter how big is
challenge as soon as it gets near her. She has chased dogs as big a dobermans. She is queen of the house.

This is my
niece, Lulu, and her mom, Aide. Aide is Jose, my oldest brother. One mom and daughter moment captured as a digital image.

This Holly my nephew Alex's wife. I added texture to the photo and thought it looked very good. I sent a copy to my brother and he emailed me back that the picture hadn't come out right.
There are other photos I took that I liked but I have already posted them.
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