These pictures aren't from the last freeze, they are from the first one, January 5, 2009. Ah, the start of a new year. I took about 10 pictures before that bulb turned on in my head and I started using the flash to get that reflection of the ice. It was a windy night when the temperature fell below 32 degrees and the rain froze showing us in which direction the wind was blowing.

All the trees had ice on them but there was none on the road or drive way. Even the grass had very little ice on it. Our flags were frozen. The sky looked so gray.

I love the glimmer the ice gave off when I used the flash.

Sister didn't mind the cold weather. She spent most of her time chewing on the ice that formed on the fence. Sarah and Sister spent all day running around the yard, I put hay in all three dog houses to keep them warm. I guess they spend very little time in the houses. I could hear them barking most of the night and day. Usually from five in the morning to about eight they stay inside the houses. When I take
Izma and Fifi out the others come running from their houses.
That's their pen area. They ate the wooden door so now they come and go as they please. Each house faces a different direction so they pick which house they sleep in according to which way the wind is blowing.

I took out my tripod and took a picture of myself. I was dressed very warm.

That night we put on the fire place and spent an evening by ourselves... and the inside dogs.
Izma got the best spot in the house. Fifi has a lap magnet, she's going to attach herself to someones lap as soon as she can.

Two weeks later we had beautiful weather. Carlos came to town and we started to build the raised gardens for
Elfida. She wanted tall post so I can put chicken wire around them to keep the dogs from eating her plants. She had spanked Sister for pulling out her rose bushes.

We had plenty of unwanted help while we worked. Boy it was a sunny cool day. Just perfect for working outside. We worked until my drill ran out of juice. By this time my two helpers were hungry so we called it a day.
Elfida was taking pictures and called Sister so she could get a nice picture of her. Well, Sister was still not happy about getting spanked. This is the "go to h...." look she gave
Elfida. Later on we found out why she was so teed off at

See the cattle, they come right up to the fence and the dogs bark and run and bark. The cows don't care any more. But see Sarah on the right. She is pulling on a little
hackberry tree growing on the fence. She's the one that pulled out the rose bushes!!! Look at sister
diming her out.
Elfida refused to
apologize to Sister.

Well, after working so hard we needed a Texas size meal. Carlos and
Elfida went to
Whataburger to get us dinner. Carlos was showing off his Chrome rims.
Elfida went with him while on Saturday when he was pricing the rims. Oh yeah, he likes them.

See that shine! One big sparkle! This here is Ford country. Carlos left the following day and
Maiko came over in the
morning to help finish the raised gardens. It was still too cold so I told him to take a nap in the guest bedroom and we would get to work in the afternoon. About one in the afternoon we went out and worked till he had to go pick up his girls from school. I figured I would pick up dog poop from the backyard while he was gone. I don't like the soft squish of doggy surprise on my feet. Well, I pulled a back muscle while picking up poop with a shovel. I missed four days of work and fell two weeks behind on the gardens. I told Aaron about pulling my back muscle while picking up dog poop and he told me I shouldn't let that poop get to where it's to heavy to pick up!!
The next time all three of my boys are in town, I am going to have a poop picking party for them!
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