This was the start of putting planters around the trees in the front yard. I thought we were going to finish
Elfida's raised
gardens in the backyard, but she said she needed the front yard done first so she could start planting flowers for the spring. Saturday we got up late and ate breakfast at home. Big breakfast. We made it to Home Depot about noon, then went to Lowe's, then to The Restore Store. Finally we went back to Home Depot and bought the landscaping timber. I started with the little chainsaw but it was taking too long. I brought out the big one and things went quicker. We stopped at about 05:00 pm when
Maiko and family came over for the big dinner
Maiko was going to make
Chapino! He did and it was so good.

On Saturday I used the truck as a tripod to take a couple of pictures of us working. Notice the gloves, safety glasses and belt. After lots and lots of minor injuries, I finally figure out why people wear safety gear.

Sunday morning we were outside by 10:00 am, after eating a big breakfast. This time we had a
photographer. Isabelle had spent the night with us and I gave her my Canon camera to take pictures. For an eight year old she takes very good pictures. Well, she took more pictures of the dogs than she did of us, but the ones she took of us came out very good.

We would build the planter off to one side to make sure we were setting the timbers right. Then I marked the area where they were going and then leveled the ground. I was going to drill holes on the timbers and use rib bar to hold them in place, well drilling through all the timbers with a 1/2 inch bit was too much for my little cordless drill.
Elfida went to Wally World and bought an electric drill form me.

The planters look good. They are sturdy and should last unit we decide to tear them down. We still need to fill them up with dirt. We bought the material to put in them so weeds don't grow in them.

By three o'clock we had finish building them it was getting cool already. This is another Isabelle picture.

She went to sit with grandma so I could take a picture of the two of them. Now all we need is the rain to keep coming so our grass will grow again.

They do make the yard look a lot better. It will also make it easier on me when mowing the grass, once its starts growing again. While we were out there taking pictures Carlos called. He was out shopping for some shoes. It always makes Elfida's day when he calls.

Isabelle had been waiting for us to finish so
Elfida could help her decorate a shoe box for Valentine's day. I went up to shower and
Elfida and Isabelle started on the shoe box. By the time I got back down,
Elfida was working on the shoe box and Isabelle was playing in the movie room. I gave her permission to get on the computer and she spent the about an hour on the Hannah Montana
website. I gave her a bag of
balloons I had in the garage and she spent the next hour getting me to blow them up and trying to make
balloon animals with them. Amy picked her up at about six 0'clock and we settled down to watch a movie. I put on "The Frighteners" and old Michael J. Fox movie. It was a good weekend.
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