Anyways, Carlos was suppose to come by this weekend but didn't make it until Monday. He had a camera in Iraq and broke the screen while over there. The last time he was here he had ordered a new screen for it. It had come in and had been sitting on the table for about three weeks. Monday he sat down at the kitchen table and took the camera apart, put the screen on and put it all back together. He handed Elfida a working camera. Carlos got online and googled how to replace the screen, read the instructions and fixed it. He always had a talent for understanding electronics and computers.

He gave the camera to Elfida, who really liked the camera, but what she really loved were all the pictures of Carlos while he was in Iraq that were still in the camera. The first picture on this post was one of those pictures. I downloaded the pictures to my computer and then it was like going through the boxes of stuff we have in the garage or going through the boxes in the attic and finding all those little treasures we have kept and forgotten. We were able to recapture an era in Carlos' life that we had missed out on.
Maiko's talent? Well, his is in the kitchen or on the grill. He can watch the cooking shows and understand all they say. He can then go to the kitchen and make whatever he saw on TV and he can read a receipt book and make what is in the book. He is a great cook.
This was the 3rd weekend of eating seafood. Oh, It was good. I couldn't stop eating the breaded calamari. I finally quit eating so that I would leave some for the others. Later I found out he had left some uncooked so he could use it as fish bait! That was some expensive fishing bait.
We love having our kids at home. They are welcome anytime. But... we also enjoy our time. Time spent with just the two of us. On Valentine's day we got up and went to McGregor to eat breakfast just the two of us and in the evening we got dressed and headed out to dinner with some friends and then to the Sweet and Sweetheart event. I took this picture right before we left. Sunday Morning we got up early again and went out to have breakfast again, just us.

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